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Installation Tutorial

HAUSCHEN LED Bathroom Mirror Installation.

Most Common Questions

How long can I receive my order after placing an order?

It usually takes 1-2 business days to process your order and delivering time takes 3-5 business days. When your order is ready to be shipped out, you will receive a shipment confirmation e-mail.

How can I track my order?  

You can track your order number by clicking on the tracking number located near the bottom of the confirmation e-mail. Tracking numbers and links may take up to 24 hours to start tracking. 

Is the anti-fog function of the mirror turned on automatically?

No, You can manually control the anti-fog function by the senor button on the mirror.

What happens if goods are damaged in transit?

The packaging is independently designed and sturdy and the damage rate is less than 2%. Just in case you receive a damaged package, please contact us in time.

How do you dim this mirror? 

The buttons control the light color and brightness. 

Can your LED mirrors be used as the only source of light in a bathroom?

We do not recommend using a LED Mirror as the only source of light in a bathroom. We recommend having an overhead lighting in addition to LED Mirrors to create ideal conditions in your space.
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